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Victoria Highlights and Boat Lessons

Kay Hunt

As we approached Cabdoro Bay, just north of Victoria, the wind was piping and the currents and terrain were posing challenging conditions. We were feeling pretty good about ourselves as we deftly tacked through the final, narrow channel. Ah, pride cometh before the fall—the following morning I muffed easing the genoa (the front sail), which caused the sail and lines to whip wildly for a few moments—just long enough to rip off a durade vent from the deck (a vent that allows air into the cabin shaped like a submarine scope). It may have also been the final straw that led to the failure of our genoa—which dropped suddenly to the deck and had to be quickly retrieved before it fell into the water.

The genoa was worn with limited useful life left, but we were hoping it would last us the season. Thankfully, we have a spare sail and a new genoa that was already on order and the vent was easily screwed back in place. Humbled, we were reminded of where we are in the process of getting used to this boat, learning all of its complexities, and ultimately trusting it and ourselves for this ambitious adventure--at the BEGINNING! We are embracing this first year as one of learning and adjusting and learning some more!

We were so excited to have friends Glenn and Hallie Carter join us in Victoria for a few days. We arrived to a buzzing city on May 22, later finding out that it was Victoria Day, a national holiday in Canada (if one is going to cruise in Canada one needs to get with the program so as to be ready for the festivities of the major holidays!). Queen Victoria is celebrated for paving the way for unification of Canada.

We really enjoyed sharing our floating home with friends—dining in the cockpit, playing games, taking a peaceful morning cruise, and enjoying the views of Victoria’s inner harbor and the iconic Empress Hotel and Parliament Building from our deck. We loved Buchardt Gardens, a gorgeous botanical experience, enjoyed a nice bike ride through residential neighborhoods and Chinatown, and worked off our decadent meals with long walks exploring Beacon Hill Park, Fisherman’s Wharf, and Downtown. As we left town, we were lucky to be able to admire all of the arriving yachts and spectate the start of the Swiftsure Yacht Race, a major sailing race that takes place in the Strait of Juan de Fuca.

We love the offerings of big cities, but after departing Victoria, we enjoyed one of the most beautiful and tranquil anchorages we have experienced yet—Annette Inlet on Prevost Island. Two amazing and contrasting places that we were blessed to enjoy this week.

I’m now heading off to re-do my boat washing task. I inadvertently (and thoroughly) washed the whole boat with salt water instead of fresh. Oh yeah…that one switch on the hose that I forgot to flip…what was that about learning!!??

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