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Ready for Swell!

Kay Hunt

By Kay Hunt

Tomorrow will be a big day!  Beagle Spirit will carry us to the west coast of Vancouver Island! Up until now, we have been sailing in protected, inland waters, but tomorrow’s rounding of Cape Scott will be the first time we experience direct exposure to the Pacific Ocean.  The west coast of VI is a nice introduction to this since there are many beautiful inlets to duck into along the way allowing for day sailing only.  We can remain in harbors for as long as needed while we await optimal weather windows for each hop down the coast.


Preparations for this really began with our purchase of our boat—prioritizing one that was known to be strong and ocean capable.  We invested in new sails and rigging, the engine has been well maintained, and we have backup autopilot and navigation systems.  Starlink and satellite communications systems are working well.  We were glad to have a year to get this done and get a handle on how it all works.  While in Port Hardy last weekend, we hired a diver to clean and inspect the bottom side of the boat, grease the prop, check and change out some of our zincs.  All systems go…knock on wood!


How about us? We are feeling a little nervous, but mostly excited and eager to explore new places.  We are glad that we have had more than a year to practice our skills and build our confidence.  Cruising in the inland waters provided good step by step challenges.   We had plenty of opportunity to get used to gradually higher wind speeds, high tidal ranges, strong currents, some choppy seas when crossing the larger inland straits.  We also gained valuable experience learning how to operate the boat when one or more systems fail…focusing on what is still working to compensate temporarily for something that is not. 


Today we sit in Bull Harbor, on Hope Island, just east of Cape Scott.  We have been studying the tides and weather for over a week now, positioning ourselves to launch in favorable conditions. The southerly winds of the past few days have passed by and we expect to catch a northwesterly breeze for a downwind sail to our first stop, Sea Otter Cove.  Last minute boat chores are complete…the dinghy is partially deflated and lashed prone on the foredeck, the paddleboards deflated and stowed inside, I hoisted Brett up the mast to he could inspect the rigging, we have secured kitchenware, bottles, and pots/pans, to eliminate anxiety inducing rattling around.  It’s mocktails tonight while we pre-make tomorrow’s breakfast and lunch.


We are very excited to make this meaningful left turn toward new adventures and discoveries.  Anchor up at 0615!

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Pamela Thomas
Pamela Thomas
Jun 25, 2024

So proud of you both! As I write, I know that you have already made it and have another first under your belts. To the next adventure!

Brett Hunt
Brett Hunt
Jul 16, 2024
Replying to

Thanks Pam, so sweet you take the time to comment!


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